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إضاءة المبنى

3 different facade lighting as well as applications

Facade lighting is an important ingredient to the success of your project. It can make or break the visual appeal and functionality of your project. There are several different types of facade lighting and this article will go over those three, as well as discuss some common applications for each. What is facade lighting?  ; Facade lighting is the term for interior and exterior lighting fixtures that illuminate a building’

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فهم الجزء العلوي 5 أخطاء الإضاءة الخارجية

 ; الإضاءة الخارجية في حين أنه من الجيد أن يتعرف المزيد والمزيد من الأشخاص على فوائد إضاءة LED خارج الباب, من المهم أيضًا عدم السماح للأساطير بتعكير صفو المعلومات. فيما يلي بعض أخطاء LED الشائعة التي يجب توخي الحذر منها. خرافة 1 LEDs Will Cost More Some large associations are reluctant to take over LED lighting systems because they sweat their costs will increase. ساكن, the contrary is frequently true

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7 Residential Lighting Designs

 ; Residential Lighting For numerous people, summertime means further tardy nights outside spent enjoying all that nature has to offer. Whether it be a quiet evening gaping at the stars or watching the kiddies catch fireflies in the yard. A great geography lighting design should enhance your time outside. For our rearmost design, the lighting at this lovely realty welcomes guests to the frontal entrance, elevates the out-of-door areas, creates

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6 LED Commercial Lighting Trends We ’re set To See further of This Time

 ; Small businesses spend around$ 60 billion bones every time on energy. A large portion of those costs goes to keeping the lights on. Given how important plutocrat businesses spend on lighting, it’s important to choose institutions that contribute to the overall aesthetic and produce a great terrain. Staying up to date with lighting trends can help you design a marketable space that your workers and guests will enjoy. Ready to get started? Check out these six lighting trends to try out for your workspace lighting. 1. Multifunctionality One of the trends we anticipate to see in the coming time is the use of lighting institutions that do further than illuminate. These lighting results will include intelligent features like wireless connectivity, color–; tuning, and detectors. 2. Connectivity Studies show that nearly 80 of Americans now enjoy a smartphone. People can use these bias with Bluetooth capability to control a variety of “ smart ” objects. In marketable lighting, we anticipate to see institutions accoutred with Bluetooth capability that can be controlled from smartphones, tablets, and other bias. This point will allow structure directors to more control their energy operation and be more strategic with their use of lighting. 3. perceptivity While druggies will have better control over their lighting from Bluetooth connected bias, numerous new lighting institutions will probably have smart features that do n’t indeed bear direct control. Smart light institutions will have detectors that can acclimate grounded on stir, air moisture, time of day, and other factors.

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5 Reasons to use LED Office Lighting For Your Business

Office Lighting When comparing LED lightbulbs to standard light bulbs, LED bulbs are able of,000 hours of illumination as compared to 2000. Concluding for LED lighting as opposed to traditional offers a simple life change with innumerous benefits to both the earth and your portmanteau. While being green was formerly viewed as a life sermonized by “ tree huggers ” it’;s now considered a way of life. Not only should

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4 أسباب الاستفادة من الإضاءة التجارية

 ; الإضاءة التجارية كان هناك العديد من الممارسات الثورية التي حدثت في إطار الاجتهاد التكنولوجي على مر المرات العديدة, مع واحدة من أبرزها التحول إلى إضاءة LED. لقد أدى هذا النوع من الإضاءة الفائقة إلى تغيير الطريقة التي تكون بها شركات البيع بالتجزئة والشركات القابلة للتسويق مناسبة لممارسة الأعمال التجارية, والأهم من ذلك, لقد وفرت لهم وسيلة ليكونوا صديقين للبيئة. When compared to

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الكشافات لمناطق الإضاءة المختلفة

 ; Floodlights shoot a wider spread of light to the area or in the tropological sense, flood tide the girding area with a great deal of light. The viscosity of the light is exceedingly high, frequently similar to that of natural daylight. Although this kind of lighting does find its operation in an array of inner areas, a maturity of its fashionability is credited to its nobility in illuminating large

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تركيب نظام الأضواء تحت الأرض والوقاية

 ; Installation Underground lights The construction quality problems of underground lights or aquatic lights are substantially the water seepage of the lights and the water leakage in the middle junction box of the line. هكذا, when planning the construction scheme of the underground lights or aquatic lighting, the power force line should borrow the applicable connection system to minimize the intermediate joint; when the intermediate joint is necessary, it’;s necessary

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كيفية الإضاءة باستخدام إضاءة الدرابزين

How to light with an handrail lighting still, منح المتسلقين ممرًا آمنًا عبر الأرض, أو لإنتاج درج نقطة, إذا كنت تتطلع إلى إضافة هيبة إلى المدخل. This’; كيف- to’; يرشدك الدليل إلى الأسئلة الصحيحة التي يجب طرحها قبل البدء في التصميم. 1. ما مدى أهمية الضوء الذي تحتاجه? أول شيء يجب مراعاته هو, what’;إنها مهمة الإضاءة? and what’;s the light position needed

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كيفية وضع أضواء LED على المرآة

Installing LED lights on a glass can be done by attaching a strip of LED lights onto the frame or glass face of the glass. The LED strip should immaculately be placed on all four sides so the lighting will be impeccably balanced and all corridor of your face and neck will beilluminated.However, you can attach the LED strip light directly onto the face of the glass, creating a thin

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