Importing LED Lights From China —; Hvad du behøver at vide


LED lys har skiftet glødepærer. De er multifunktionelle, omkostningseffektiv, og holder meget længere end traditionelle pærer. LED'er kommer i flere varianter - nogle bruges til generel belysning, mens andre har specielle formål som nødbelysning. Efterspørgslen efter disse typer produkter er høj, men at importere dem fra Kina er den bedste måde at klare markedet på og samtidig tjene en fortjeneste.

Import fra Kina giver dig mulighed for at få en række varer til meget lavere priser, hvilket forbedrer indtjeningen. Du har forskellige leverandører og leverandører at vælge imellem, men du skal tage nogle faktorer i betragtning, før du træffer nogen beslutning. Lad os lære mere om dem i denne omfattende guide.

1: Tjek for importrettigheder

Import af LED-lys fra Kina

Importrettigheder er juridiske krav til at købe varer fra andre lande og transportere dem til dit land. Nogle lande kræver en importlicens, mens andre kun kræver godkendelse fra toldvæsenet. OS. beboere behøver ikke en importlicens for at købe LED-lys fra Kina. Du skal kun følge de generelle retningslinjer fra toldvæsenet for at foretage vellykkede transaktioner.

Ud over, USA kræver, at indbyggere opnår toldobligationer for import, der overstiger $2,500. Andre agenturer lægger også restriktioner på varer, der hører under jurisdiktionen, såsom Food and Drug Administration (FDA) og Federal Communications Commission (FCC). As LED lights are subject to these agencies’; også regler, importører får brug for toldobligationer.

På tidspunktet for toldimport, du kan vælge mellem to typer obligationer. Den første kaldes Single Entry, og den dækker kun engangstransaktioner. Hvorimod, den anden kaldes kontinuerlige obligationer, som dækker alle de følgende års udgifter. Baseret på din virksomhedstype og krav kan du vælge mellem disse to obligationer. For eksempel, hvis du lige har startet virksomhed og ikke kender markedet ordentligt, så er det bedre at vælge Single Entry Bonds. Men når først din virksomhed begynder at tjene penge og har en idé om de lokale markedsforhold, fortsæt derefter mod løbende obligationer, så du får et fast beløb hvert år uden at betale ekstra told på fremtidige transaktioner.

2: Sammenlign de tilgængelige muligheder

Kina producerer og eksporterer flere LED-lys end noget andet land i verden. Men ikke alle muligheder er umagen værd; du bør lave din research, før du beslutter dig for et produkt. Once you’;har indsnævret dine valg, sammenligne dem for at finde den bedste for dig. Du bør også vide nogle grundlæggende om LED'er, så du kan få mest muligt ud af dem.

Først, du bør kende forskellene mellem forskellige typer LED'er. Der er tre hovedtyper af LED-lys: dobbelt in-line pakke eller DIP, chip om bord eller COB, og overflademonterede dioder eller SMD'er. Hvert af disse lys har forskellige anvendelser og formål. Den vigtigste forskel mellem dem er lysstyrken, udgangseffekt, og farvetemperatur. At træffe et korrekt valg, du bør forstå alle disse funktioner.

LED-lys kommer i forskellige former, inklusive istapper, trin, bugter, og pærer. Hvis du har et bestemt LED-lys i tankerne, søg efter det. Når du finder en leverandør, der tilbyder det, du har brug for, sammenligne dets tilbud. Sammenlign pris, garanti, og holdbarhedselementer for at få det bedste produkt.

3: Lav budgettet

Når du har fundet det rigtige produkt og leverandør, sørg for, at du har penge nok til at importere LED-lygterne. Mens man laver budgettet, husk dine kunders købekraft. You don’t want to import too expensive products that most of your clients can’;ikke råd. And it’;er ikke kun prisen på produktet; der er også andre elementer.


Omkostningerne ved produktet vil tage det meste af dit budget. Dermed, det bør være det første du overvejer, når du laver et budget for import. Du bør vide præcis, hvor mange enheder du skal importere, og dette er kun muligt, hvis du har prognoser for fremtidige salg. Køb kun ekstra, hvis det giver dig en lille rabat. Indkøb altid efter efterspørgsel efter et produkt.

Omkostninger ved inspektion

Da LED-lys er underlagt flere regler, hver batch gennemgår en inspektion, når den når grænsen til USA. Du skal betale mellem kl $80 og $1,000 afhængigt af antallet af lysdioder du importerer, så husk denne omkostning, når du laver dit budget.


Ved import fra Kina, husk at medregne fragtomkostningerne. desuden, både USA og Kina er store lande, og importørers og eksportørers placering spiller også en afgørende rolle. For eksempel, a company situated on the western coast may need to pay different shipping costs from one located near the country’;s eastern shore. Dermed, it is essential to consider shipping prices when drafting a budget for importing LEDs.

Taxes and Custom Duties

In most countries, all imports are subject to customs duties. You can find the amount due by looking up your tariff classification number provided by the customs authorities. The amount of tax and duties vary based on the amount, type, and location of import.

Miscellaneous Costs

In addition to the costs mentioned above, other factors can impact the overall budget. These include but are not limited to port charges, currency conversion rates, and unloading fees. When combined, these prices can pile up and significantly impact the budget. It is best to allocate at least 10% af budgettet til diverse omkostninger ved udarbejdelse af en plan for import af lysdioder fra Kina.

4: Forhandle prisen

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Leverandører, der eksporterer LED-lys fra Kina, har forskellige priser. Også selvom en virksomhed insisterer på det, der er plads til at forhandle. Du kan bede sælgerne om rabat, hvis ordrestørrelsen er større end standarden. Imidlertid, sørg for, at det, du efterspørger, er rimeligt. Du kan få en lavere pris og stadig modtage produkter af høj kvalitet, der hjælper din virksomhed med at vokse.


Omkostningerne ved produktet vil tage det meste af dit budget. Derfor, det bør være det første du overvejer, når du laver et budget for import. Du bør vide præcis, hvor mange enheder du skal importere. Og det er kun muligt, hvis du har de korrekte prognoser for fremtidige salg. Køb kun ekstra, hvis det giver dig en lille rabat. Indkøb altid efter efterspørgsel.

Omkostninger ved inspektion

Som vi diskuterede tidligere, LED'er er underlagt flere regler, og hver batch inspiceres, når den når grænsen til USA. Du skal betale mellem kl $80 og $1,000 afhængigt af antallet og typen af ​​lysdioder du importerer. Dermed, husk at medregne denne ekstra omkostning, når du laver dit budget.


Import fra Kina kommer på bekostning af høje fragtpriser. For eksempel, afstanden mellem USA og Kina er stor, så de to lande har forskellige fragtpriser. Derudover, importører med base i vestlige lande (såsom USA) vil betale mere for fragt end virksomheder baseret i østlige lande (såsom Kina). Dermed, det er vigtigt at overveje forsendelsesomkostninger, når der udarbejdes et budget for import af lysdioder.

Taxes and Custom Duties

Mange lande opkræver told på import. For at finde ud af, hvor meget du skylder, find din tarifering på toldmyndighedernes hjemmeside. Mængden af ​​skat og afgifter varierer afhængigt af typen og mængden af ​​import.

Miscellaneous Costs

Når du udarbejder en plan for import af lysdioder fra Kina, one has to factor in several costs that may not be directly listed. These costs include but are not limited to port charges, currency conversion and unloading fees. When combined, these prices can pile up and significantly impact the budget. And you cannot anticipate the exact amount these factors will cost until after you have finalized your plans for importing LEDs from china. It is best to allocate at least 10% of the budget to the miscellaneous cost while drafting your plan for importing LEDs from china.

5: Find The Appropriate Shipping Method

Shipping Method

Shipping charges for LED lights from China can be expensive. To make a profit on shipping, you need to research different shipping modes. Some of them are as follows:

Rail Freight

Rail freight is a fast and affordable method of shipment for bulky items. Imidlertid, it’;s only used for countries connected with China via land. Unfortunately, indbyggere i USA kan ikke bruge denne billigere forsendelsesmetode. Hvad angår indbyggere i Europa, de foretrækker at bruge jernbanegods det meste af tiden. Problemet med denne metode er dens tid. Gennemsnitlig, forsendelser tager 15-35 dage at ankomme afhængigt af afstanden fra Kina.


Søfragt er den bedste mulighed for virksomheder, der ikke er forbundet med Kina over land. Søfragt sætter ikke en vægtgrænse på forsendelser, og det er relativt billigt. Imidlertid, varer ankommer lidt senere, end de ville bruge andre metoder. Du bør bestille mindst en måned i forvejen, hvis du ønsker at modtage dine LED-lys på dit lager.

Ekspres forsendelse

Ekspresforsendelse er den hurtigste måde at transportere varer på i hele verden. Du kan bruge denne metode til at importere LED-lys, når efterspørgslen uventet bliver høj. desuden, some businesses also use it to import a small volume of LED lights for testing before placing an order. The shipment via this method takes about 3-7 dage at ankomme, and various companies offer express shipping. Some popular ones include DHL, DB Schenker, UPS, and FedEx. The prices and services of each company vary. So before ordering from any of these companies, compare what they have to offer.

Express shipping has a reputation for being expensive. Dermed, most companies do not use it to transport bulk products. It works best only for small volumes when businesses need help to cope with the demand with available stock.

What Are The Shipping Terms and Conditions?

When importing an item from another country, you should set up communication lines with the exporter to ensure no unexpected delays or other inconveniences. The shipping terms can vary from country to country, but the standard Incoterms for China include the following:

FOB (Freight on Board/ Free on Board)

FOB stands for free-on-board, which is an international trade term that describes the obligations or responsibilities of the suppliers while exporting an item overseas. It includes loading goods, inland transportation, port expenses, and customs clearance charges. The FOB ends once the suppliers transport their items from their countries, but the importer can choose the preferred means of shipment. Whatever means you choose, the responsibility of suppliers will remain the same.

EXW (Ex Works)

EXW means that the suppliers must provide the importers with all the documents they need to transport the goods, as well as pack them in containers. The importers handle transport costs and choose the route, mode, and carrier.

CIF (Cost, Insurance, Freight)

CIF is the most convenient option for the importer because exporters are liable for most responsibilities with these terms and conditions. The suppliers’ obligation is everything from documentation to unloading goods at the shore. desuden, importers can set deadlines for when they need the items.

The only responsibility of the importers is to handle customs clearance and clear the import charges.

6: Place The Order

After you’;ve determined what you need, place your order. But there are two important details in this step that you should think about: lead time (how long it will take to produce your items) and payment methods.

Payment Method

When choosing a payment method, the importer and suppliers should reach a consensus. There are several options to pick from, including online bank payments, debit cards, credit cards, and even online wallets. You should choose the method that is most convenient and costs less. While the banking means are traditional options, there are new options like an online wallet that can be just as helpful. desuden, transactions with these means are quicker than the conventional banks. So while selecting a payment mode consider it as well.

Lead Time

When you order LEDs from your supplier, the time it takes for the order to arrive at your warehouse is called lead time. It is essential for businesses that have high demands for LEDs. You should select a supplier that offers shorter lead times. It should not come at the expense of quality; you should understand the manufacturing scale of the supplier and anticipate whether it is capable enough to deliver the order on time.

Ud over, vendors can sometimes promise to deliver within a certain time frame and then fail to do so. Imidlertid, these problems can be avoided if you follow the steps we discussed earlier to ensure a company’;s credibility.

7: Prepare To Receive The Order

After you place an order with a credible supplier, you must prepare to receive the order. To clear customs, you will need several documents. You’;ll need proof of import, a bill of lading, a commercial invoice, a certificate of origin, and a commercial invoice. You’;ll also have to pay customs tariffs, including excise duties, value-added tax, import duties, and miscellaneous charges.

Transport Arrangement

Some shipping companies deliver the goods to your doorsteps, but others do not. If it involves sea freight, you will likely have to arrange transport for these goods after getting all the clearances from customs. You can use train, truck, or air transport based on the distance between the warehouse and the port. Each of these means has its benefits and shortcomings, which we have discussed in earlier sections.

Storage Facilities for LED Lights

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LED lights are more durable than traditional incandescent bulbs, but they are fragile. You should never ignore this factor while transporting LED lights to ensure they do not sustain any damage during the trip. And when the shipment reaches your doorstep, take the necessary precautions to keep it safe and secure. Unpack the load and store it in containers with your brand on them. While packing into new containers, ensure that they can endure accidental falls.

Ud over, be sure to affix a fragile label when shipping the product to customers. The storage facility for the LED lights should be moisture-free and temperature-controlled. Keeping the humidity at a reasonable level will ensure that it does not damage the circuit of the LED lights.

8: Inspect The Order Thoroughly and File Claims For Damaged Items.

The last step in importing LED lights from China is to ensure everything checks out. It’;s critical, so you should do it as soon as the shipment arrives. You can check the consignment by making a copy of the invoice and matching the products in the shipment against it. You should receive exactly what you ordered. Some manufacturers send some complimentary and test products as well. But it’;s best to check with your suppliers whether they’;re complimentary or a result of some mistake before you use them. Corresponding with suppliers on these matters will build a solid relationship you can leverage for better deals next time.

When you receive a product, inspect it for any damage or flaws. If the product is not what you ordered and has flaws, immediately contact the supplier and tell them about it. The manufacturer will not cover all sorts of damage depending on the contracts and terms and conditions; there will be a guideline that you can use to file a complaint.

For eksempel, if you agree that the suppliers will not be held liable for damage sustained during shipment, there will be no claim. But if the terms and conditions differ, you can file a claim and get new products. Imidlertid, all of this is only possible if you check the shipment immediately when it arrives. Delayed claims are often not entertained, and they do not even hold in legal battles should they arise.


Can I Import LED Lights from China?

Ja, you can import LED lights from China. The country is the largest exporter of LED lights and manufactures a large variety of lights. Ud over, because of fierce competition between suppliers, you will get a better price than anywhere else in the world. Importing LED lights from China is, therefore, an ideal option unless there are legal hurdles in importing from China in your country.

Is It Safe to Buy Lighting from China?

Buying LED products from China is generally safe, but the risk of scams exists like anywhere else in the world. It’;s not that the suppliers will send you the wrong products. In those cases, you’;ll get what you ordered, but it might not be what you expected. Before making a purchase, do thorough research and confirm the credibility of your supplier.

How Can I Order from China Safely?

Always make sure you have a checklist for importing items from another country. This checklist should include all the factors that will ensure the transaction is safe and secure. For eksempel, if you’;re importing from China, make sure your supplier is credible and has a good reputation. It would be best to visit their manufacturing facility before placing the order—but if you can’;t, asking them for samples can also work. desuden, use appropriate means of shipment to ensure that your consignment doesn’;t sustain any damage.

How Do I Buy Directly from a Manufacturer in China?

If you are thinking of importing LED lights or any other goods from China, it is a good idea to find a credible supplier. After that, there are some regulatory requirements that you need to meet to import it directly from China. Importing from China can be a more cost-efficient way to purchase LED lights if you run a wholesale business in another part of the world.

How Do I Know If a Chinese Supplier is Legit?

You can check the legitimacy of a Chinese supplier by visiting the company’;s manufacturing facility if you are placing a large order. But for small orders, check the supplier’;s website, social media pages, and certificates. Reviews on social media pages will tell you whether the supplier is credible.


Lacelesty belysning Kina producent

LED lights are the future and hence the demand for them has increased. Businesses that sell LED lights would find importing from China a much better option to generate more profit from sales. It is the largest manufacturer and exporter of LED lights, offering a large variety. desuden, the competition between the suppliers is also fierce, which leads to affordable prices and better quality. But when you import LED lights from China, it is essential to understand the basics

While most Chinese manufacturers are legitimate, it’;s important to research any company before placing an order. We’;ve described how to check for credibility, including ways to verify a company’;s reputation, find reviews and ratings, and confirm the business has a physical address in China. Also, be sure you know what it takes to import LED lights from China; this includes rules and regulations, taxes and duties, and shipping methods.

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