Catagóir: Knowledge

Comparison of COB and SMD LED chips

What is COB(Chip On Board)? COB light source means that the chip is directly bonded and packaged on the entire substrate. That is, N chips are integrated on the inner substrate for packaging, and the LED chip is directly attached to the mirror metal substrate or ceramic substrate with high reflectivity. COB technology is mostly used in low-power chips are difficult to produce high-wattage LED lights. By dispersing the heat

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How to choose the right lighting color temperature

Color temperature is a significant factor when considering buying a LED lights. This post will tell you what color temperature is and how to choose the right color temperature for your lights.  ; What Is Color Temperature? The color temperature (CCT) of a light source indicates the appearance of the color of the light. The CCT is measured in kelvin units, with higher numbers corresponding to bluer, or “;cooler”; tones

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Barr 12 LED Driver and Power Supply Brands List

An LED driver is a device used to power LEDs. They are available in a variety of voltages and currents to suit the specific needs of the application. Many brands offer LED drivers with different features and capabilities. When selecting an LED driver, it is important to consider the specific requirements of the application. Some factors to consider include the type of LED, the operating voltage and current, the ambient

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Barr 12 Leading LED Chip Manufacturers List

The most important component of any LED light bulb is the LED chip. Many LED lights fail due to LED chips. Let’;s see which brands belong to the top LED chip manufacturers in the world! You can consider using them to make LED lights.  ; CREE Founded in 1987, Cree LED began with a focus on semiconductor materials and fueled the adoption of blue LED die in automotive and

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Soilsiú Neamhshiméadrach Vs. Soilsiú Siméadrach

Tá dhá phríomhchineál soilsithe ann: siméadrach agus neamhshiméadrach. I bhfocail eile, nuair a bhíonn an soilsiú cothrom ar fud an ábhair, is soilsiú siméadrach é, ach tá soilsiú neamhshiméadrach ann nuair a bhíonn taobh amháin den ábhar níos gile ná an taobh eile. Let’;s scrúdú níos dlúithe a dhéanamh air seo. B’fhéidir go dtabharfaidh tú faoi deara go bhfuil uillinneacha beam solais éagsúla ag tuilsoilse. Chun an éifeacht soilsithe is fearr a fháil in áiteanna éagsúla, ba cheart duit roghanna ardfheidhmíochta a roghnú.

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DMX Outdoor Lighting –; The Definitive Guide

DMX Outdoor Lighting –; The Definitive Guide. We’;ll walk you through all the components of a DMX system, wiring and configuration, installation, advantages and disadvantages, limitations, and tips for choosing the best DMX for your outdoor lighting.  ; What is DMX? DMX refers to Digital Multiplex Signal. This protocol can send out unidirectional commands to a large number of LED lights to provide them with new information. A DMX system

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soilse faoi stiúir-Cad iad na buntáistí?

soilse faoi stiúir-Cad iad na buntáistí?  ; LED lights are considered one of the most important and stylish inventions in the last 20 amanna. They’;ve been extensively available for 10 times in consumer bulbs. LLG discusses whether LED is living up to the original high prospects.  ; What’;s LED? LED stands for light emitting diode. LED lighting products produce light up to 90 more efficiently than incandescent light bulbs. How do

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Scrollaigh go Barr

Teastaíonn Comhairliúchán agus Tacaíocht do do Thionscadal?

Déan teagmháil linn inniu agus faigh athbhreithniú gnó agus comhairliúchán saor in aisce.


A chur ar fáil saor in aisce
réitigh soilsithe

tá comhairliúchán agus tacaíocht de dhíth ar do thionscadal?

tacaíocht agus sainchomhairle a sholáthar.