Showcase LED Display Light – High CRI Mini Display Lighting for Jewelry &; Exhibits

Showcase LED Display Light

The Showcase LED Display Light is a premium lighting solution designed for jewelry stores, museum exhibits, and luxury showcases. Built with CREE/OSRAM RA90 LED chips, this light ensures superior color accuracy, making diamonds, gemstones, and artifacts appear more vivid and natural.

Featuring a wide 120° beam angle, this DC12V-powered LED light provides uniform, shadow-free illumination, making it ideal for display cases requiring soft and even lighting. The Φ12mm aluminum body offers durability and a modern aesthetic while seamlessly integrating into showcase designs.

Product Specifications

Luminous OutputHigh Brightness
Teocht Dath (CCT)2700K / 3000K / 4000K / 6000K
Uillinn Bhíoma120°
Voltas ionchuirDC12V
Sliseanna faoi stiúirCREE / OSRAM RA90
LED DriverN/A (Direct Connection)
MéidΦ12mm × L1000mm
Cut-out SizeΦ8mm
Dath CoirpBlack / Silver

Why Choose This Showcase LED Display Light?

🌟 Ultra-Wide 120° Beam Angle – Delivers soft, even illumination, eliminating harsh shadows.
💎 RA90+ High CRI for True Color Accuracy – Ensures jewelry and exhibits appear in their most natural tones.
🔋 Energy-Efficient DC12V Power Supply – Low voltage, safe, and long-lasting performance.
🛠 Modern &; Durable Aluminum Housing (Φ12mm) – Sleek, robust, and designed for professional display cases.
💡 Perfect for Wide-Angle Illumination Needs – Ideal for luxury showcases, retail stores, and museum lighting.

Best for:

Jewelry &; Watch Displays – Enhances the sparkle and fine details of luxury items.
Museum Showcases – Provides even illumination for historical artifacts and collectibles.
Retail &; Exhibition Lighting – Creates an inviting and professional display environment.

Upgrade your display with the Showcase LED Display Light, designed for precision, elegance, and superior performance.

📩 Contact us now for custom solutions and bulk pricing!

Conas teagmháil a dhéanamh linn

R1. An féidir liom sampla a fháil le haghaidh seiceáil cáilíochta?

Lacelesty: Tá, cuirimid fáilte roimh ordú samplach chun cáilíocht a thástáil agus a sheiceáil. Tá samplaí measctha inghlactha.

R2. Cé chomh luath agus atá an t-am luaidhe?
Lacelesty: Le haghaidh ordú samplach, 7-17 laethanta mura bhfuil stoc ann. Le haghaidh ordú mórchóir, 15-35 laethanta.
C3. An féidir lipéad do tháirgí, pacáistiú, dearadh a shaincheapadh?
Lacelesty: Tá, cuirimid seirbhís saincheaptha ar fáil dóibh seo.
C4. Conas is féidir linn cáilíocht a ráthú?
Lacelesty: Sampla réamhtháirgthe i gcónaí roimh olltáirgeadh; Cigireacht deiridh i gcónaí roimh an loingsiú.
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C6. Cad é do bhealach íocaíochta?
Lacelesty: Paypal / Víosa / Aontas Iarthar / aistriú ar líne / pá a chur i bhfeidhm / Oibríonn T/T go léir dúinn le haghaidh íocaíochta.


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tá comhairliúchán agus tacaíocht de dhíth ar do thionscadal?

tacaíocht agus sainchomhairle a sholáthar.