Lacelesty IP65 Waterproof LED Outdoor Spot Light, Garden Spike Light

LED Outdoor Spot Light
Uillinn Bhíoma
Grád IP
Voltas ionchuir
Alúmanam bás-theilgthe

Product Overview

Enhance your outdoor spaces with our modern IP65 waterproof LED Outdoor Spot Light. Crafted with durable die-cast aluminum and available in sleek Black, White, or Shine Dark Grey, this spot light delivers both exceptional performance and contemporary design for gardens, landscapes, and architectural accents.

Key Features

  • Energy Efficiency: Consumes only 2.5W while providing a luminous efficiency of 75lm/W for bright, energy-saving illumination.
  • Customizable Lighting: Choose from four color temperature options (2700K, 3000K, 4000K, 6500K) and versatile beam angles (10°, 15°, 20°, 30°, 40°, 60°, 10×45°, 25×45°) to perfectly tailor your outdoor ambiance.
  • Premium Components: Equipped with a high-quality CREE LED chip and a KEGU LED driver, ensuring reliable performance and long service life.
  • Rugged Durability: With an IP65 rating, this spot light is designed to withstand harsh outdoor conditions, protecting against water and dust.



Versatile Lighting Options

Whether you’re looking to accentuate a garden path, spotlight architectural features, or create a dramatic outdoor display, the adjustable color temperatures and beam angles allow you to achieve the perfect lighting effect.

Durability &; Feidhmíocht

Engineered for the outdoors, this LED spot light combines modern aesthetics with practical functionality. Its robust construction and IP65 waterproof rating ensure long-lasting performance even in challenging weather conditions, making it an ideal choice for modern landscape lighting.

Illuminate your outdoor environment with style, efficiency, and precision—perfect for both residential and commercial applications.

Conas teagmháil a dhéanamh linn


R1. An féidir liom sampla a fháil le haghaidh seiceáil cáilíochta?

Lacelesty: Tá, cuirimid fáilte roimh ordú samplach chun cáilíocht a thástáil agus a sheiceáil. Tá samplaí measctha inghlactha.

R2. Cé chomh luath agus atá an t-am luaidhe?
Lacelesty: Le haghaidh ordú samplach, 7-17 laethanta mura bhfuil stoc ann. Le haghaidh ordú mórchóir, 15-35 laethanta.
C3. An féidir lipéad do tháirgí, pacáistiú, dearadh a shaincheapadh?
Lacelesty: Tá, cuirimid seirbhís saincheaptha ar fáil dóibh seo.
C4. Conas is féidir linn cáilíocht a ráthú?
Lacelesty: Sampla réamhtháirgthe i gcónaí roimh olltáirgeadh; Cigireacht deiridh i gcónaí roimh an loingsiú.
C5. Conas a sheolann tú na hearraí agus cé chomh fada a thógann sé ort teacht?
Lacelesty: Seolaimid DHL de ghnáth, UPS, FedEx nó TNT. De ghnáth glacann sé 3-5 laethanta le teacht. Tá aerlíne agus loingseoireacht farraige roghnach freisin.
C6. Cad é do bhealach íocaíochta?
Lacelesty: Paypal / Víosa / Aontas Iarthar / aistriú ar líne / pá a chur i bhfeidhm / Oibríonn T/T go léir dúinn le haghaidh íocaíochta.


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