Kategori: Panduan pencahayaan

Pencahayaan Kantor: The Dos and Don’;ts Untuk Ruang Kantor Anda

Office lighting directly affects your team’;s mood, energy level, and productivity. Dim lighting will cause your employees to feel tired and cranky, while too bright lighting may cause migraines and disrupt their body’;s natural cycle. If your workplace is well-lit, your employees will be alert, creative, energized, and ready to give 100 percent. But finding the right balance between too dim and too bright is tricky. In this piece, we’;ll

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Pencahayaan Sekolah

Atas 9 Tips Penerangan Sekolah untuk Mencerahkan Kelas Anda

Apakah pencahayaan sekolah Anda sangat membutuhkan peningkatan? Mungkin lampu neonnya sudah tua dan redup, atau lampu overhead tidak memberikan cahaya alami yang cukup untuk dipelajari. Apapun kasusnya, saatnya untuk berkeliling dan menemukan sistem pencahayaan LED baru yang akan mencerahkan ruang kelas Anda dan meningkatkan lingkungan pendidikan Anda. Ini adalah beberapa yang teratas 9 tips for school lighting to help you on

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Cara Memilih Bohlam LED GU10 yang Tepat

GU10 Jika Anda mempertimbangkan manfaat bola lampu LED, mudah untuk melihat mengapa mereka begitu populer saat ini. LED tahan lama, hemat energi, dan dapat menghemat uang Anda dalam jangka panjang; namun, Anda dapat menemukan berbagai jenis bola lampu LED di pasaran saat ini dan mungkin membingungkan untuk mengetahui mana yang tepat untuk kebutuhan Anda. Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang memilih bola lampu LED yang tepat, keep reading

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lampu kolam renang

Lampu bawah air: Bagaimana memilih yang tepat untuk kebutuhan Anda

Underwater lights come in many different styles, each with its features and application, which makes it hard to choose the right one. If you’re looking into buying underwater lights, it might be tempting to just buy whatever catches your eye on the shelves at the store, but you can end up spending more money than necessary on items that aren’t as useful as they could be. This guide will help

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Landscape Lighting

Panduan Definitif untuk Pencahayaan Lansekap

Are you wondering how to make your backyard look great during the night? There are plenty of ways to make your yard look great during the day, but at night, you may be stuck with just watching the moon and stars until you go to sleep or finish that last chapter of your book. You don’t have to leave your view in darkness, though! With landscape lighting, you can add

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Panduan Definitif Cahaya Bawah Tanah

Lampu bawah tanah atau ground LED sangat populer karena dapat menerangi ruangan tanpa mengganggu lanskap. Mereka paling sering ditemukan di jalan setapak dan kebun, tetapi juga berguna untuk penerangan di tempat lain.  ; Apa itu pencahayaan bawah tanah?  ; Lampu bawah tanah adalah jenis lampu yang dipasang di bawah tanah untuk menerangi trotoar, tempat parkir, dan jalan setapak lainnya. Itu juga dapat digunakan untuk menerangi taman dan lansekap. Installing

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Lampu Sorot LED Vs Lampu Sorot: Mana Yang Memberi Anda Cahaya Terbaik?

Floodlight and spotlight may seem like the same thing at first glance, but that’s far from true! If you’re looking to light up your life, it’s important to know the differences between these two types of lights so you can choose the best one for your needs. Let’s take a look at how they’re different below! How floodlights work Floodlights are designed to cast light in all directions, making them

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Don’;t be Left in the Dark: How to Choose the Right Handrail Light

Your handrail lighting system should be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. But with so many options available in today’s market, it can be hard to figure out which type of light would work best on your staircase and railing. So how do you choose the right handrail light? Here’s how. What is a handrail light? A handrail light is an energy-efficient lighting fixture that is typically installed near a stairway

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Lampu tonggak LED

Bollard Lights: How To Use Them To Illuminate Your Home

Bollard lights are one of the most reliable and efficient lighting solutions that can be used to illuminate your home. Faktanya, if you know how to use these lights, you can transform your house into something spectacular! If you’re not sure how to properly use bollard lights, then read on to find out what they’re all about and discover some great tips on how to use them to illuminate

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Hotel Lighting

Hotel Lighting: The Definitive Guide to Choosing the Right Lighting for Your Hotel

Does the lighting in your hotel make guests feel like they’re staying in a room or the scene of a crime? Choosing the right hotel lighting can make or break your business, which is why you need to choose wisely. To help you out, here’s everything you need to know about choosing the right hotel lighting fixtures, from warm and welcoming incandescent bulbs to stylish and efficient LED bulbs and

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