Categoria: Guia de iluminação

Truques de iluminação para joalherias

 ; The right type of lighting can showcase your jewelry in a way that catches a client’s eye, commands their attention, and leads to a trade. But with so numerous lighting options available, it can be delicate to figure out which bones make most sense for your jewelry displays. The Significance of Proper Case Lighting Perfecting the art of lighting can be quite a challenge when it comes to illuminating

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How to Replace a Ceiling Light Institution

Design OVERVIEW • WORKING TIME 1 hr- 1 hr, 30 mins • TOTAL TIME 1 hr- 1 hr, 30 mins • SKILL LEVEL Intermediate • ESTIMATED COST$ 10 and over Replacing a ceiling light institution is frequently necessary because an old institution has worn out, but it’;s also generally done as part of a scenery overhaul. A new light institution can make a huge difference in the look and sense

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Como escolher a luz de teto do tamanho certo

 ; Assim como uma dimensão errada pode fazer ou quebrar um formulário, escolher a instituição de luz de tamanho errado pode atrapalhar seriamente o mojo do design do seu espaço. Os contrivers recomendam um meio termo entre muito grande e muito pequeno; assim a instituição se harmoniza com a escala do espaço sem sobrecarregar ou parecer estranhamente pequena. Getting it right in just about any room comes down to three important measures

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How high should bollards light be

1) Confines “ The confines of bollards and posts are determined in agreement with the illustration contrary and take into account the following interpretations • the height is measured from the face of the path; • the overall range, the lowest of the confines, or the periphery are measured in the vertical aeroplane. The height must be at least 50cm.However, its range or periphery must be at least 28 cm, If the bollard or post is 50 cm high. Ainda, the range or minimum periphery of its base is equally commensurable to its height, If the bollard or post is advanced than 50 cm. For caseHow high should bollards light be • the height of the post is1.10 m at the veritably least for a periphery or range of 6 cm; • a bollard with a range or periphery of

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