Facade Lighting: 12 Factors You Should Consider


Facade lighting designs can accentuate a building’;s best features when done correctly.

Silhouetting can provide an entirely different and unique experience for art lovers, according to some leading lighting manufacturers. While lighting illuminates all the features of a facade, silhouetting with shadows can add an artistic touch.

As you plan your next facade lighting project, keep these 12 factors in mind to ensure success:

Facade Lighting

What do you want to light?

Determining the key areas of your facade that need to be illuminated can be done by observing nearby obstacles and structures that have the potential to block views. vantage points. You can also take into account any trees or buildings that may impact the viewer’;s line of sight. Once you have determined the major viewpoints, you can then focus on lighting up those areas of the facade. This will ensure that your structure is visible from all angles and will make it more inviting to passersby.

When planning your lighting design, keep in mind that anyone nearby –; whether they’;re in a car, another building, or even a high-rise –; can potentially be your audience. Water bodies can also enhance the lighting effect because of their natural reflective properties. Keep all of this in mind as you create your design.


How do you want to light it?

Determining the intent of your design is the first step in any lighting project. This will determine factors such as the mood you want to create, the audience you want to appeal to, and the style of lighting you should choose. Keep all of these factors in mind as you move forward with your project.

When choosing a lighting style, it’;s important to consider the type of building it will be used in. For instance, a more decorative style might be appropriate for a mall or plaza, while a workstation or bank could become a landmark with a more innovative lighting style.

When considering facade lighting, it is important to evaluate the design elements such as pattern, symmetry, contrast, and balance that you might want to highlight. Thanks for taking care of your lighting needs!


What kind of environment is it?

When it comes to choosing a facade lighting concept, security and clarity should be your top priorities. This is especially important in environments where public safety is a concern. Good communication is also essential in these situations. Keep these things in mind when making your decision.

When choosing a lighting concept for sales or exhibition environments, it is important to consider the items on display and the viewer experience. The goal is to create a space that is both functional and appealing.

Facade lights for residences or tourism spaces should be chosen with the goal of creating an ambiance of relaxation and comfort.


What are the functional requirements of the space?

When considering what type of facade lighting to use for a building, you must first think about the function(s) of the space. You should also take into account visual ease, glare, and task illumination. The CIBSE guide has lighting requirements and recommended light levels for different tasks.

Some other important questions to consider include:

; What activities will take place in the environment?

; How often will the activities take place?

; What time of day will you be using the space?

; How important are these activities?


Behavioral effects on people.

Most people don’;t realize that lighting can have a significant impact on human health and behavior.

Psychological studies have shown that lighting can have a significant impact on mood and cognitive performance. Good lighting design can improve focus and awareness, while also reducing depression tendencies. Therefore, it is essential to consider how your lighting design would affect the users.


The type of aesthetics required.

Good lighting design is essential to create an inviting and appealing space. Without proper lighting, even the most excellent architectural design can appear dull, uninspiring, and lifeless. However, with the right lighting concept, an ordinary building can be transformed into a true masterpiece.

Your design should be chosen based on the impression you want to make on people. Do you want to be inviting or atmospheric? The answer to this question could be critical in your decision-making process.



Be mindful of your budget when choosing a design. It’;s important to know how much the project will cost before getting started, so you don’;t end up halfway through and find that the costs have spiraled out of control.

Budgeting is an important part of any event planning. By looking at your budget from the start and brainstorming creative solutions, you can help to ensure that you don’;t break the bank. Creative solutions may include things like negotiating with vendors, finding sponsorships, or sourcing inexpensive materials. Whatever you do, make sure that you stick to your budget so that you can enjoy your event without worrying about money.


How will you use light and shadows

An important part of creating an interesting and Atmospheric facade is the use of light and shadow to create depth and texture. By using soft shadows, you can draw attention to a particular area or feature that you want to highlight. This could be something like a piece of artwork on a wall, an ornamental element, or even a city block.

Light can also be used to create the illusion of a more prominent facade. For example, placing a light in the middle of the wall will make the center stand out while darkening the sides. This can help to draw attention away from the facade.

If you want to make the facade appear larger, you’;ll need to use a brighter light to illuminate the walls. This will draw viewers’; attention to the surrounding walls and make the entire building visible.


What kind of light will you use?

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There are benefits to using both direct and indirect light. Natural light, while it can provide bright, directional illumination, can also cause a glare that can lead to headaches and fatigue. Using anti-glare baffles can help mitigate this issue.

Indirect lighting is created when light reflects off of a surface, rather than being direct. This can create a more relaxed atmosphere, as there is no glare. Indirect lighting also reduce stress on the eye.

If you want to create an interesting and dynamic space, you should use a combination of light and shadow. Indirect light can create a flat, boring facade, so try using a mix of light and shadow for the best results. Thanks for reading!


What color of light do you want to use?

Different colors can be classified as either warm or cold. Warm colors usually have more yellow, while cold colors tend to have more blue.

There are different types of color temperatures, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. When choosing a design concept, it’;s important to consider the desired effect. For example, cold lighting can be used to create a natural daytime effect around open workstations or parks. However, it should only be used at high lighting levels.

Warm lighting is better suited for residences, as it creates a more inviting and inviting atmosphere. However, it’;s important to note that warm lighting works best at lower levels.


Task lighting

Task lighting is all about providing the right light for specific tasks. Depending on the space and the function of the space, different types of lighting may be required. For example, if you’;re creating a task lighting design for a busy club avenue, you’;ll need to consider the atmospheric conditions and choose lighting that will complement them. Keep in mind your specific task lighting requirements when choosing a design.


How will you control the light?

As technology advances, so does the level of control we have over lighting. This gives us more options and opportunities to create unique lighting designs that can enhance the user experience. When choosing lighting design concepts, keep this in mind and look for ways to incorporate it into your plans.

I have also explained a few concepts of facade lighting design below.

They include:

Solid facade

The size of your facade can have a big impact on the way light falls on it. A smooth, untextured wall will reflect light differently than a rough or textured one. The type of light source can also influence the way light behaves on a facade. Natural light sources like sunlight can create interesting patterns and shadows.

Vertically divided facade

You can use light to create visual interest and separation in a space. Beams of light can help to delineate areas, and combining different types of lighting (downlights and up-lights, for example) can add depth and dimension.

Horizontally divided facade

There are several ways to reduce the impact of horizontal divisions on a building’;s facade. One way is to increase the offset of the luminaire.

Perforated facade

Lighting up your facades with creative lighting techniques can improve the look of your building, both day and night. This concept is based on creativity and professionalism, and it can really make a difference. Thanks for considering this!


Other Tips to Remember During Facade Lighting Design.

; The height of the building

; The width of the building

; The position of the light source

; The facade material

; The peripheral light in immediate contexts

-Strive to avoid light pollution


Some Lighting Techniques You Can Use


To achieve the desired lighting effect, locate a light source close to the facade. The light should be concentrated at the base, gradually reducing in intensity as it reaches the top of the building.

Direct View

Light fixtures are typically placed on facades. This is especially common for glazed facades.


When placing light fixtures, you can create dramatic effects by placing them close to columns and openings.


The best way to provide a uniform wash on a facade is to place the light fixtures a little distance from the face of the building. This method works best for specular finishes and flat facades.


You can locate light fixtures far away from the facade to provide uniform illumination. This is why it is called floodlighting.



Lacelesty belysning Kina tillverkare

The most important thing in facade lighting design is to ensure that architects and designers take it into account from an early stage. This way, you can have a well-balanced build. Of course, there are many factors that need to be considered when developing a lighting design concept.

Lacelesty Lighting is a lighting manufacturer in China. We provide one-stop solutions for your indoor and outdoor lighting projects. Contact us for a free quote!



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